13 December 2024

Series Two - Episode Two

 Desire has an undeservedly bad reputation. Without desire, what are we? Bivalves? Sponges? The second part of this episode, Old Fish, is ok with desire, and the inherent risks of pursuing desires.

The first part, What Are You Thinking About?, is probably a long and elaborate lie. There’s a fair chance he was thinking about food, or sport, or nothing at all. It’s possible he was thinking of a fantastic way to say he loved her, but not likely. 

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast. With some recent changes your help is more valuable than ever. Share the episode on social media, click on five stars, tell a friend, it all makes more of a difference than you know.


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23 November 2024

Series Two - Episode One

 Welcome to the new series of Musetrap And The Laird, new The Laird, same show.

Can you identify the precise moment love changed your life? There Was This Moment, you might be heard to say, as does the first part of episode one in this new series. The second part, The Process, is about a moment of understanding, a few moments of understanding.

Musetrap And The Laird would love to hear how you feel about their new narrator, in the comments here or via e mail. If you like him a lot why not leave a review and a five star rating where you listen to podcasts? Independent shows rely on their audience to spread the word, sharing on social media, telling a friend.

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast.


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17 November 2024

The End Of Series One

 Change is afoot.

The Laird, your faithful narrator, is reincarnating, a new character, a new voice. Naturally the material will change a little, there may be a more Australian feel from this new The Laird, but the format and the soundtrack and all will continue.

The End Of Series One and Daniel is the latest MATL episode, an announcement, an introduction, a poem.

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast, stick around for Series Two, more of the same, but different. If you want to help the show relaunch with a push start why not share your favourite episode on social media? Rate, review, follow, it all helps. Thank you!


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3 November 2024

Trump - Their King’s Touch

 Musetrap And The Laird are wary of opinion politics, they want no part in it. Destructive, divisive, dangerous, in the end futile. However there is a point where saying something against the idiocy of fascism is required. 

Trump - Their King’s Touch is a short rant about the mob wagging the buffoon, because no despot becomes a despot on their own. Like lightning, fascism strikes from the ground up, the figurehead is nothing without the mob.  

The MATL episode titled Pavel Kushnir from earlier this year is also an anti fascism piece. While fascism remans a threat, all who have any voice, no matter how small, must speak against it.


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27 October 2024

Episode Thirty Two

 Episode thirty two could be the same young man, morning and night.

Wake Up Sleepy Darling, the success or failure of the young man’s appeals for mercy will depend on the mood of his muse. Will they find his desire flattering and met by their own? Or will he just sound desperate and needy? Or it may depend on the age of the relationship, weeks or years.

Detective Camembert, late night lonely paranoia, or a young philosopher following the moonlight towards perspective?

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast. 

MATL needs your help to spread the word about the show. Every five star rating, review and follow makes a difference to it being seen by new listeners, every social media share too.


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15 October 2024

Episode Thirty One

 Themes and variations, they run through generations just as they run through art. As we mature we become aware of the themes of our lives, see that many are handed down directly from our parents. We create our own variations on those themes, pretend they are new themes, but they’re mostly not. 

What themes are you passing on? What themes have you inherited, but would rather not pass on?

Episode thirty one, To Wilfred, an old house, old themes, trying to see those themes clearly.

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast. Clicking on five stars wherever you listen helps the show to find new listeners. 


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28 September 2024

Episode Thirty

 As we learn more of our planet, more of our universe, we’re compelled to alter our understanding of the word language.

Episode thirty, Drinking Gum Tree Words, is a short chat about language and communication. For humans language and emotion are often closely connected, even the most austere instruction manual can make us feel things. Learning that language is so much more than we once thought it was can only make us feel more broadly and more deeply, make us feel more connected with everyone and everything.

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast.


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