22 June 2024

Episode Twenty Three

 We should all be blessed with an innocent love at least once in our lives. The Laird wrote this piece for a friend who, for various reasons, missed out on this joy, became an adult too soon. She also wanted to save all the animals.

Episode Twenty Three, And Floated And Floated, love, kindness, sweetness, imagination, with a soundtrack of truly delicate solo guitar, like the ripples of small waves in a small bay.

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast.


e mail

10 June 2024

A Generous Review

 Thank you to Jazz - ER for such a positive and fun review.

The first MATL review in Ireland, it seems to have drawn others to the show which climbed to number thirty three on the Apple Podcasts fiction chart over the next few days. 

Reviews and five star ratings make a massive difference to podcasts, especially small, independent ones like Musetrap And The Laird. Thanks again to Jazz - ER and to all who’ve taken the time to help the show along.


e mail 

9 June 2024

Episode Twenty Two

 Humans struggle to recognise a landscape that doesn’t reflect humanity back at them. We are the scale, the perspective, of all we witness. We create environments that reflect ourselves, shrines to ourselves, even if we don’t know we’re doing it.

Episode Twenty Two is in two parts, Airport Airport and Melody Reigns, look upon our works.

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast.


e mail

2 June 2024


 There is now a Musetrap And The Laird t shirt.

A podcast isn’t a podcast until it has a t shirt.

You can have a Musetrap And The Laird t shirt by visiting here: MATL Threadless shop

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast.


30 May 2024

Seeking Animators And Illustrators

 Musetrap And The Laird podcast is seeking collaboration with animators and illustrators.

Bring your own style to the recorded soundtrack and narration. 

Take a listen to a few episodes, all around five minutes, some pieces are as short as a minute. There’s a broad range of material, sci fi to silliness, plenty to play with.

Anyone interested can write to:


25 May 2024

Episode Twenty One

 Leonard And Philomena, episode twenty one.

Anyone raised on 1960s and 70s cartoons will dig this crazy couple, cat and bird, glamorous dancing fools. The Laird and Musetrap had fun making this one.

Sometimes a story is just a story, just for the fun of it, just because Leonard and Philomena were imagined and therefore had to dance.

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast.


12 May 2024

A New Subscriber, A New Donor, Thank You

 Two new supporters have helped out the podcast this week. 

Many thanks to LL for subscribing via our podcast home at Buzzsprout. And just as many thanks to SC for a donation via Supercast.

All contributions go towards paying hosting fees and buying new equipment, there is also a live show in development. The show doesn’t offer any bonus material for financial support, all are equal, some help out so it can remain free of advertising and remain free for all.

If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal the account corresponds with the podcast e mail,