29 July 2023

Episode Three

 Happy to report our third episode is up, and finally up on Spotify after a confusing delay.

Musetrap And The Laird on Spotify

The episode is two pieces, Tour Guide Profound and The Birth Of Comedy, yet there is little guidance and no banana peels. 

The Laird, last seen in a cafe in Paris, crying unashamedly over the death of Milan Kundera, says there is a nod to the great man in both pieces, but no intent of tribute or parody, perhaps just an imitated gesture.

Musetrap was too busy negotiating with his Prague tailor to release a statement. 

Thank you for listening to our podcast, we’re thrilled by the response to what we know is a niche audience production. Tell your friends.


To donate to Musetrap And The Laird go to PayPal, use the above mail address. 

17 July 2023

Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory

 Musetrap and The Laird are rarely seen in the same place twice, we could be anywhere in the world, but we do publish out of Australia. We thank Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory for listing us. 

Great Australian Pods

American podcasts tend to take up a lot of space, this site is a great way for Australians and others to find something different. Close to 12,000 entries, there’s something there for you.


Musetrap And The Laird at Buzzsprout

16 July 2023

Whereto The Dilettante? - Google Podcasts

 There was a time when a decent dilettante could find a way in a big city, they could write a local live music column. Or perhaps a small scale Tales Of The City weekly magazine piece, as long as it contained a pessimistic old bloke truth teller, Bob was your uncle. Call him Uncle Bob. Call the articles Uncle Bob’s Wisdom. Easy. 

Now we have an internet, the age of dilettantism is over. 

So whereto the dilettante now? 

Podcasts, of course. 

This is all to say Musetrap And The Laird is now on Google Podcasts. 

Musetrap And The Laird on Google Podcasts


14 July 2023

Episode Two

When you’ve been podcasting as long as we have, releasing a second episode is no big deal. This episode contains two pieces, Dr Frankenstein’s Bicycle and Grey, From The Last War. There are no frogs, but betrayal and love unrequited make appearances. 

Speaking from the Musetrap headquarters in the back room of a barber shop in Istanbul, a representative claims there will be new episodes every fortnight, and each will be better than the last.

The Laird grunted and mumbled something about the Jelly Baby Houses of North Uist being an inspiration.

If you feel like helping us out, dropping a five star review and writing a review will do it. We’ll appreciate it greatly, getting started is the hard part.

Unfortunately Spotify is proving a problem for us, a technical issue they can’t identify, we’ll let you know when we arrive on that platform. Google Podcasts should have the show up this week.


Musetrap And The Laird on Apple Podcasts

9 July 2023

We Exist!

 Hello folks, one week into our podcast venture, it feels good to finally be published.

Unfortunately Spotify is being a dick and holding up our release, without any genuine explanation. We’ll try to sort it out this week. We’re told Google podcasts is always slow, we’ll be up there any moment now. All the other sites are being our friends and hosting episode one. 

If you want to help us out the best way, predictably, is to rate and review on the site where you listen, and to share the show on your social media. 

Episode two will be in your feeds by Sunday morning Australian time, which is before Sunday morning most places. We hope you’ll listen while you’re making your post sleep in coffee.

Thanks for the positive response we’ve already received, most encouraging.


Musetrap And The Laird on Apple Podcasts

1 July 2023

First Episode Released


Happy to report the first episode of Musetrap And The Laird has been released. Titled God’s Nightlight, it has frogs in it. 

First episodes have to be vetted by all the major sites, you’ll see this one appear on your preferred site over the next week. We’ll now be publishing a new show fortnightly, look for it on Sunday mornings.

We have many ideas for other shows we’ll be adding to our feed over the next year, all short form, roughly five minute episodes, but for now a new episode every two weeks will be enough for us to iron out any creases and get everything right for you, the listener.