26 August 2023

Episode Five

 Episode five is abroad, awaiting your listening ears. 

There Is No Diamond In The Sand and And The Stars Know They Are Loved, the illusions of self-help and of helping others. 

If you want to help out Musetrap And The Laird you can drop a donation at PayPal using the address, some donate to keep the show free for all. 

Musetrap said of this episode, “sifting sand will mostly go unrewarded, just like doing good deeds”, and The Laird was too busy hiring sand sifters to speak to anyone. 


14 August 2023

First Reviews

 The first Musetrap And The Laird reviews on Apple Podcasts are in. Thank you both, you are appreciated. Every rating and review triggers the Apple algorithm and helps to make the show easier to find for others. Apple sorts reviews by region, The Laird and Musetrap are still trying to work out how to view yours if you are in a different region to them. 


Musetrap And The Laird on Apple Podcasts

12 August 2023

Episode Four

 Episode Four is about to be released, in your feed by Sunday morning your time. Cue Dancing Girls and Every Step, a bit of death and life from different angles. 

At this stage the podcast will be published fortnightly, but keep an eye out for bonus episodes on the other weeks. The long term aim is to publish every week, but that step won’t be taken until it can be done consistently and well. 

Your feedback is always welcome, in comments here or via e mail, For PayPal donations the same address will find the show. 

Ratings and reviews on the sites where you listen make a massive difference to getting the show seen. A joint press release from The Laird and Musetrap included the words, “aw, go on, do us a solid”, when referring to rating and reviewing, and, “do it or don’t do it, just do what feels natural for you”. 

Thank you for listening to this independent podcast, your support is appreciated. 


Musetrap And The Laird on Amazon Music

8 August 2023


 Did you know that 90% of podcasts cease after three or fewer episodes? This is reported as fact in a number of places, so it’s probably not true, but most shows do stop before they’ve really begun. 

This weekend Musetrap And The Laird will break the three episode barrier by releasing episode four, propelling them into the top 10% of all podcasts. The Laird and Musetrap are unburdened by expectations of success, so they are bewildered by this overnight fame and fortune. Musetrap was hard to track down for comment, but did provide a statement from an unknown location, expressing his joy and love for all people and a request for a lawyer. The Laird claimed that all success and failure were best seen through the prism of sheep on remote islands adapted to eating seaweed knowing which way the tide is running.

Thank you again for listening to this independent podcast.


Musetrap And The Laird on Buzzsprout