11 May 2024

Episode Twenty

 Lloyd Atlantic is a detective character, he has made one appearance on the podcast so far. Episode Twenty is his origin story. 

Instead of over explaining tales of a detective, Lloyd Atlantic is a bare bones affair, you are invited to imagine him how he pleases you, and the scenes can be anywhere, even though the author sees this episode as set in the Collingwood area of Melbourne Australia, post World War II.

The twentieth episode of any podcast is something of a milestone. Most producers give up within three episodes, and nearly all before twenty episodes, only a small percentage of all podcasts continue beyond twenty. Thanks to your support Musetrap And The Laird is here now, and well set to continue and grow into the future.

If you want to help the show reach new listeners the best way is to follow, rate and review wherever you listen. To help with the expenses of hosting, equipment and developing a live show you can subscribe at the show’s podcast home Buzzsprout for as little as three dollars a month.

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