28 June 2024

Behaving Like A One Year Old

 Musetrap And The Laird turns one today.

Right now the podcast is sitting in a high chair, smooshing cake across its face and believing this makes it clever. 

Thank you all for supporting the show through the crawling and walking stages. The next year will see a combination of more of the same and some gradual change. Long term plans include a spoken word album on streaming sites, a live show, hopefully some radio pieces, but the fortnightly podcast will remain the base of everything. 

An extra thank you to our donors and subscribers. A new tin of biscuits and the hottest tea for you all.

Just changing the strings on Musetrap’s many instruments is a never ending cost, along with hosting fees and equipment and programs. Donors and subscribers make it possible for the show to go on.

Don a stupid hat, dance around a bit, join us in celebrating the first year of Musetrap And The Laird. The podcast is nothing without listeners, smoosh cake with us.

If you want to give the podcast a present, please give a five star rating wherever you listen, a review, follow, all these things make a massive difference to the show getting seen by other listeners.

Thank you for supporting this independent podcast.


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